A Closer Look Reflections- A collection inspired by the sea

As a UK Jewellery Designer I grew up on the Isle of Wight, a small island on the south coast of England, and I can’t help but be influenced by the sea.

I am aware of the importance of the sea and the way it can hold a special place in the hearts of us all. From sailing and surfing to summer holidays besides the sea with a bucket and spade, we have all experienced the water and its ephemeral spirit. I have made anchors, sails boats and beach huts but I wanted to explore representing the sea in a deeper way something a little different a little more intriguing and with a fresh, contemporary look and feel.

I had always thought of trying to evoke the water in a jewellery collection but I couldn’t quite decide how to do this. I wanted to abstract the water, focus on its liquid form, its undulating surface and its ever-changing fluidity. After some experimentation I chanced upon a technique and what followed was a discovery that influenced my Reflections collection.

I explored how I could create both strong lines and soft curves on the same piece of silver and how this texture could be applied to the front and back of the silver. The result is something that I feel speaks of the hypnotic watery form as it is moving and reflecting the light and colours above its surface.

Each item that I make in this collection is completely unique. The technique that I use never creates two identical lines or curves, it mimics the fleeting nature of the surface of water and its transitory magic.

The best jewellery gifts have a story. If you want a sentimental gift that is inspired by the sea but is a little more subtle and elegant please browse the Reflections collection.

Blog on13th May 2020